Gray Panthers of San Francisco
January 2006 Newsletter

Gray Panther Matters This Month


Important Meeting in January
We Hope You Can Be There

t’s a new year! Let’s recharge our batteries at a membership brainstorming session. What issues do YOU want emphasized in 2006? Can we change our frustration with today’s world into positive action and hope? Be a part of the solution. Come help us plan the program for the coming year.

Statewide Meeting

On Saturday, January 21, 10:00 AM—3:00 PM, there will be a meeting of Gray Panther Networks of California at the Whistle Stop Senior Center, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael. Statewide meetings are held quarterly to plan common activities and get to know people from other networks. Two topics on the January agenda for discussion are the Medicare Drug Plan and a state Gray Panther resolution on immigration. All members are encouraged to attend. Call the office at 552-8800 for more information or carpooling possibilities.

Learn New Skills in the New Year!

You can become a journalist! Learn the fine art of publishing! Play with our cool new printer! Have fun critiquing, copy-editing, proofreading and so much more! Besides we need more people to get out our award-winning newsletter. Well, we think it SHOULD win awards anyway. Seriously, you will enjoy the fun and creativity, and cookies.

(back to January 2006 Newsletter front page)