Saturday, April 22, 10 AM to 6 PM
Mission High School 3650 18th St
SF (at Dolores, 16th/Mission BART)
$15 (General Admission), $5-$10
(Students, Seniors)
Lunch included, nobody turned away.
Join us to learn about grass-roots
organizaing to breath life into the political agencd to Stop the War
in Iraq and promote Global Peace and Justice. Students
and Educators to Stop the War (BASE for short) would like to invite
you to participate in the upcoming conference. On April 22, high school
and college students, teachers, professors, labor activists and anti-war
activists will be hosting an all day conference featuring workshops
on a broad range of topics.
If you or you organization
would like to host and facilitate a workshop, please submit you proposal
to Jessie Muldoon. In
your proposal, please identify who will be the presenter(s), a short
bio, and a couple sentences describing your workshop.
We want this conference to
be educational, organizational, and action oriented. Some of the themes
we've identified to bring into the event are (but not limited to)
- history of anti-Vietnam War movement
- addressing budget cuts in education
- outreaching to youth
- developing grassroots organizing, and exploring
next steps
- promoting anti-racist organizing and opposing
the attack on civil liberties
- creating a campus - labor networ
- highlighting soldier and vererans of the
war in Iraq and other wars
- bringing together labor activists
- developing anti-war curriculum
- raising class consciousness
These are some of our initial goals, and we
hope you can participate in this event!
For more information go to: