OWL SF Presents:

A Celebration of Women’s History Month, in collaboration with the SF Gray Panthers


The program will begin with a short skit by members of the SF Gray Panthers. Caty Powell assumes the role of Eleanor Roosevelt , who in 1946, as chair of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, directed the crafting of the Universal  Declaration of Human Rights. This document was a result of the cataclysm of World War II. On December 10, 1948, after unanimously accepting the document, the UN General Assembly gave Eleanor Roosevelt a well-deserved standing ovation.  

OWL SF then presents the documentary, The Giants Wore White Gloves, by Sandra Hubbard. 

In September, 1957, nine black students (later known as The Little Rock Nine),  registered at Little Rock Central High School, but were turned away by the Arkansas National Guard, on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. President Eisenhower sent Army troops to escort them to school, but then in 1958 the Legislature voted to close the four high schools and once again avoid integration.

A small group of middle-class white women quietly, and secretly, formed the Women’s Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools, and fought Governor Faubus’ and the segregationists’ order to close the schools. At its peak, there were two hundred women, largely inexperienced in politics, who became dedicated activists.


When: Saturday, March 27, 10 AM – Noon:         ALL WELCOME!


Where: Flood Building, 870 Market Street, Room 975

More on the documentary "The Giants Wore White Gloves"


More on the Women's Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools.


Older Women’s League * 870 Market Street, #905

 San Francisco, Ca. 94102

Phone 415-989-4422 * Web site: www.owlsf.org

Contact: sheila malkind, info@legacyfilmseries.com, 415-515-2708