Gray Panthers of San Francisco
February, 2006 Newsletter

Report on January Membership Meeting:
Setting our Priorites

  At our January general membership meeting we settled on six items to include in our 2006 agenda:
  • Work to repeal the Medicare Modernization Act and replace it with a single payer system.
  • In order to move closer to bringing our troops home from Iraq (and not simply move them to other bases in the Middle East), garner support for the resolution before the state legislature to bring our national guard members home now.
  • Start a movement calling for a human rights amendment to the California constitution based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights drafted by Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • Support passage of Tom Ammiano’s ordinance requiring San Francisco businesses employing more than 20 people to provide health insurance.
  • Make environmental issues an important part of our agenda by linking them to other issues, such as health.
  • Give top priority to attracting new members.

We didn’t have time to fully consider many other important issues members raised. Clearly our agenda will continue to evolve.


New Membership Committee

A new Membership Committee has been formed, headed by Gretchen, which needs your help! We will concentrate on fun, outreach and social activities such as welcoming new members. Call the office if you’re interested in working on our newest committee.

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