Gray Panthers of San Francisco
May, 2006 Newsletter

One-a-Day Anti-War Activism


Today, this day, every day, do something against war—make a phone call, write a letter, send a postcard, talk to the guy at the corner store, protest military recruiting, start a petition, hand out leaflets, oppose the military budget, do something.


Call Rep. Pelosi’s office to remind her that the Board of Supervisors in HER district urges her to sponsor the End the War in Iraq Act (HR 4232). Insist Sens. Boxer and Feinstein support the Supervisors’ resolution calling for investigation, impeachment, or resignation of Bush and Cheney. Put anti-war activism back into Mother’s Day—send your self or your money to Washington DC to strengthen the May 13-14 protests called by CodePink and American Friends Service Committee. Tell the Administration NO WAY will you support an attack on Iran.

(back to May 2006 Newsletter front page)