Gray Panthers of San Francisco
November 2006 Newsletter

State-wide Meeting of Gray Panthers Networks


It was Homecoming Day for UC Berkeley, but that’s not why representatives of six-plus Gray Panther networks were in Berkeley. Delegates present were from Sacramento, Marin, San Francisco, Central Contra Costa, Berkeley, and the Los Angeles area including South Bay and Long Beach. Representing SF were Sonia, Bea, Mary Frances, Aroza, and Mitzi.

The purpose of these quarterly state meetings is to agree upon and coordinate positions and actions on subjects of common interest, and to learn what our fellow activists are doing around the state, the nation, and sometimes the world. (The Gray Panthers are a UN Non-Governmental Organization or NGO and one of our New York members is a regular attendee and participant in NGO UN programs.)

We asked the other networks to join our campaign to get a Human Rights amendment into the California constitution. Sacramento invited everyone to a major meeting they are sponsoring on November 14 on “Building a Movement to Replace Us” about recruiting younger activists. Aroza urged us to emphasize what we are for not against, and brought a possible script for a dramatic presentation called Voices of the People, outlining a positive progressive platform. Future education about SB 840 (which will be reintroduced next year), the pros and cons of term limits, the Ellis Act and housing evictions, and troops out of Iraq were discussed.

Tri-Valley Cares and New College were applauded for their bid to manage Lawrence Livermore Labs so the Lab could phase out nuclear weapons research, cancel bio-defense facility plans, develop renewable energy and combat global warming.

The next state meeting will be hosted by Central Contra Costa in January.


What Happened This Year in Sacramento?

Programs supported by GP, signed by Governor:
Elder conservatorship bills, passed by legislature.

Programs supported by GP, vetoed by Governor:
IHSS, (in home support services), passed by legislature.
SB 840, universal, single-payer health bill, passed by legislature.
AB 2536, domestic workers pay, passed by legislature.


(back to November 2006 Newsletter front page)