Gray Panthers of San Francisco
December 2006 Newsletter



Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:00—3:00 PM
Gray Panthers Office
1182 Market at Eighth & Hyde, Room 203 (map)

A Feast of Lights Party ...
And our own no-machine elections

The SF Gray Panthers network will celebrate the holiday season and the winter solstice at our annual December potluck at the office on Saturday, December 16th, from Noon to 3 PM. Bring your favorite dish to share and your singing voice and celebrate with us this past year of working for a better world for all who live on Planet Earth (and who knows—space, too!).

We also will elect members of the Board of Directors for the coming year. Ongoing members of the Board are Barbara, Bob, and Marshall (second term), and Bea, Natalie, Patricia, Rhoda, and Sonia (first term). Nominated so far for a first term are Caty and Gretchen and for a second term, Mary Frances and Ila. We always need new blood on our Board. Nominate yourself and/or your active or should-be-active friends. Nominees must be Gray Panthers members. Nominations are open until the elections. To nominate: tell any Board member or call the office. Thanks to outgoing members Deetje, Michael, Mitzi, and Susan.

Here are songs you can warble at home before the party, or write your own for all of us to sing.

(Tune: Good King Wenceslas)
Come Gray Panthers, light your light
Maggie Kuhn doth call us;
Let’s protest with all our might
Wrongs which do appall us.
Join Gray Panthers everywhere,
Seek ye satisfaction;
Join the struggle, join the song
“Age and Youth in Action.”


(back to December 2006 Newsletter front page)