Gray Panthers of San Francisco
January 2007 Newsletter     

General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:00—3:00 PM
Unitarian Universalist Center
1187 Franklin at Geary map

This Month's Articles:

January General Meeting: Help Determine Our Direction for 2007

Holiday Revels and a New Board, also State-Wide GP Meeting

Gray Panthers: 2005 - 2006 in Pictures

Democracy (?) and Free Trade (?)

Human/Civil Rights Committee: FDR and Human Rights

Gray Panthers Movie Night: American Blackout


We are:

We advocate and endorse
positions and actions for peace and
social justice: universal health care,
electoral reform, non-privatization of
public resources, civil rights, human rights,
and civil liberties.

We organize to save Social Security;
support a universal single payer
health care system that covers everyone equally;
defend the Bill of Rights; Repeal the Patriot Act;
and eliminate environmental racism